FreeRTK !

How to set up your own base!

Project maintained by lansalot Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Siting the antenna

Not much to say on this one - you want to have your antenna as high up and steady as possible (no poles that sway in the wind!) and with as clear a view of the sky in as many directions as you can.

The more it can see, the better the accuracy will be.

In my case, I’ve a lot of trees round about, and I also didn’t want to put it above my roofline, so I tried it on a post on the balcony. Turned out it’s fine and I get enough signal there to make it usable. Note that the F9P uses about 5 constellations, as opposed to a lot of base stations 2, so it can generally see more satellites anyway.

Siting the base station

Hard to see, but it’s on that fencepost on the right.

Also, you want a metallic background to the antenna, as performance will drop without one. Doesn’t have to be huge, some kits will include a disc with it.

Siting the base station

And that’s pretty much that. Simple, huh!